30 March 2014

What's Your Number? (aka Hours Spent Watching TV)

If you go to this website and list down all the TV shows you've watched, it will automatically compute the number of hours you've spent watching TV.

Photo from Tiii.Me

On top of my head, I immediately listed down Friends, Frasier, Friday Night Lights, The Sopranos, The Office US and UK, and then ended up with 21 days 11 hours 30 minutes for these six shows alone.

And then I stopped listing down the shows, knowing all too well my number is going to be higher than 21 days. I probably don't need the computer to tell me I've been wasting time watching TV for at least half my lifetime. So, that's 20+ years and counting...

But then, as someone pointed out on this site, Lennon once said ---

Photo credit

The quote puts this whole "watching television" in a better perspective! My life has meaning and purpose! Haha.

And you? What's your number?