16 May 2008

Sneak Peek: Life on Mars

Coming to ABC this fall is this David E. Kelley series which was adapted from a British Original in which a detective from the present time encounters an accident and gets transported back to 1973 (incidentally, my birth year).

I've come across the Brit production a few times (it aired on cable - Hallmark Channel). It's an engaging series, kinda surreal in some aspects. No computer or techie gags, no pop culture references either (at least the current ones). It's purely old school.

Here's the clip from ABC:

And this is the British original version, from the first episode when the lead is still trying to figure out where he is:

Based on the trailer, the US version appears a bit goofy. The UK version has a slightly darker tone, despite the witty dialogs. But we'll see.

Life on Mars (US) will air Thursdays right after Grey's Anatomy. It should be noted that the British version was a huge hit but it ended after two seasons (Brits always keep their shows under minimum).